Model Yana Gupta has donned the writer's hat with her upcoming book on health and wellness in which she gives fitness tips.
In fact, unknown to many, Yana, for some years, has been suffering from chronic eating disorder, despite being a fitness freak.
In her book, How To Love Your Body And Get The Body You Love, she reveals how she put all this behind her and evolved a unique approach to health and wellness. "I was being repeatedly asked by various friends to give them fitness tips to lose weight. Whenever I started talking about the subject, I noticed how much I enjoyed it. I much I enjoyed it. I could just go on and on. So one day it just came to me that I should write it all down as a book," says Yana. Penguin is publishing the book.
Yana, who started her career as a singer and came to India when she was 21. She says if one is working in the entertainment and showbiz industry, one has to be in shape or else the job will go to someone else. "That puts us all quite under lot of pressure. At the same time, we travel all the time and eat on the sets, where the food is not the healthiest. If one is serious about maintaining their figure and eating healthy too, you can surely eat outside food and still be in a great shape, but it's difficult to get the right balance of all essential nutrients from eating outside food. I carry my food for the day with me for the day with me daily," Yana, who is best known for her item song 'Babuji...' in the film Dum (2003).